Slipping Away
In the past couple of weeks I have caught myself thinking about how, as my children grow into teenagers, certain things feel as though they are slipping away. As I setup our Easter table on the night before Easter Sunday, I actually cried. I hung decorations above our dining table and I laid out eggs and filled the kids baskets with cosy winter PJ's and an Easter bunny each. It occurred to me that I would normally now create powder feet markings to indicate the bunny had hopped through the house leaving a magical dusting of evidence behind. And that's when it hit me. That time had slipped away. That sweet spot of innocence and childhood wonder had left and I didn't even see it go. Of course I can do these things anyway. Of course the real magic of Easter and Christmas isn't about whether my children actually believe in magic or not - I understand that we can make these events whatever we want them to be and they can still be wonderful. But I just feel a bitter-sweet mo...