Christmas: Advent Calendars
This year instead of trying to stuff three chocolates into one pocket of the family advent calendar I've decided to take a fresh approach. Instead of chocolates we will have activities. One card in each pocket with one instruction/activity for the day.
I'm hoping these cards will not only bring our family joy and quality time spent together, but some cards will hopefully bring others joy as well.
If you want to play along I will list our ideas below. I simply created a table in a Word Doc and typed these ideas in. Printed. Cut. Stuck onto Christmassy paper. Laminated and cut again.
Some of the ideas are a little Brady Bunch (see numbers 3 + 12) but we are that kinda family. You can change any of these to suit your family. There are heaps more on Pinterest.
Of course, you will need to grab the calendar and see what you have planned on certain days and take into account school and weekends etc and put some thought into what number/day each card will be drawn.
Okay, here we go...
1. Today we will put up our Christmas tree!
2. Today we will buy a gift for a sick or poor child (Kmart gift tree perhaps)
3. Today we will sing some Christmas carols together.
4. Today we will make milkshakes and drink them from our Christmas cups!
5. Today we will go to a local park and pick up rubbish to keep our world clean.
6. Today we will read some Christmas books together.
7. Today we will make some Christmas craft.
8. Today we will write out Christmas cards for our family and friends.
9. Today we will make hot chocolate with marshmallows.
10. Today we will make Christmas paper chains to hang in the house.
11. Today we will gather some toys and books and donate them to charity.
12. Today we will dance to Christmas music in the lounge room.
13. Today we will play a board game together.
14. Tonight we will drive around and look at Christmas lights on the houses.
15. Today we will visit the library and see if we can find Christmas books.
16. Today we will go to the beach and have ice-cream.
17. Today we will do something nice and kind for someone else.
18. Today we will make Christmas treats for our neighbours and school teachers.
19. Today we will read about the first Christmas story from the Bible.
20. Today we will find and share some Christmas jokes.
21. Today we will make reindeer food.
22. Today we will think of three things we are thankful for.
23. Today we will watch a Christmas movie.
24. Today we will open our Christmas Eve box
Have fun! Tis the season to be jolly!