6 Minute Microwave Playdough

6 Minute Microwave Playdough
This is what you'll need:
- Microwave safe container with lid
- Spoon
- Floured board or surface for kneading
- Airtight conatiner to store playdough in
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1 cup water
- food dye/colour
- 1/2 table salt
- 1/2 tablespoon cream of tartar
- 30ml vegetable oil
Add 1 teaspoon of your colour of choice to the 1 cup of water.
In microwave bowl/container, add all the dry ingredients and mix together.
Add water with dye plus the oil and mix until no lumps.
Place container, with lid on, in microwave and set on a low to medium heat for about one minute to begin with. Then stir. Repeat this process until the mixture start sticking tougher like a thick glue. Mine took 4 minutes in total but every microwave will be slightly different.
Tip out onto floured surface and knead until smooth, adding more flour as you go so the dough isn't too sticky.
Once dough is cool you can store it in airtight container in the fridge and it should last up to 3 months if kept reasonably clean. If it is sticky the next time you go to use it, just knead in a little flour.