Doing nothing

Sometimes I feel as though I have my finger in too many pies. 
I have interests and hobbies and work and family and all of those things along with home renovations and health issues can often make me feel overwhelmed. 
When I find myself with some precious 'free time' I am unsure of how to spend it. Should I exercise? Play piano? Get out my camera? Write here on the blog? Prep school work? Rest? 

I grew up with productive parents. Rarely did I see my parents sitting down - never during the day, even on weekends. Even of a night my mum would use her television viewing time to get the ironing done. It imparted a strong work ethic in me but I do wonder if its also made me think of rest as unproductive. I am not blaming my parents for this. They did what they did and what they wanted to do. They are who they are and I love them dearly for it. I actually love being productive and I often thrive from being 'busy'. 
I do need to remember though, that it is okay to stop. To sit. To rest. To do nothing. 

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