It's been a long while since I've popped over here to this space of mine. I miss it here - this place where I document days and journal my thoughts. It's 2021 which almost feels surreal. I feel like I'm now living in an era that once seemed futuristic and out of reach. I am at an age where I once thought was old, which is humorous and just a little unnerving. 2020 was a huge year in many ways. It taught me the important things in life and helped me to 'let go' of many things I thought I needed and wanted. It was also a year that we got loads of things done around the house and forced quality, family time in the most wonderful of ways. I wonder what will unfold in 2021...
Given that it's been about a year between blog entries, it's probably simplest to list my random thoughts;
- It's Autumn - I always seem to visit this space the most in Autumn - I think it's a time of year when I am most reflective.
- We have two dogs now, and they are currently both sleeping near my feet. One is making fairly loud noises and I begin to wonder if dogs dream and what their dreams would be about.
- I have been reading Harry Potter to the boys each night before bed. We are up to book four.
- Our eldest will begin high school next year and it's got my head spinning.
- I feel it is time to purchase a new camera for myself. It is a hobby which I absolutely love. I just don't know the right/best camera to buy.
- I am trying not to think too far ahead otherwise the 'To-Do' list gets overwhelming.
- Yesterday I took the kids to the park. I packed a picnic of noddles in a pot and a Thermos of boiling water. It was the easiest 'picnic' I've ever packed. Lazy perhaps, or really clever.
- I've been trying to eat better (less sugar!) and exercise more. I really do feel better and sleep better when I do these things. It's hard to keep the motivation some days though.
- We have renovated our laundry, mud room and bathroom and I feel like our house is almost at the stage of completion - as far as the renovations we always had planned for this house go. The only thing left is installing a wardrobe in Miss Six's room and moving our Master Room to the front of the house, which will allow the children to all have their own room.
- The kids are currently playing together on the trampoline, and so far there have been no tears or arguments - this in itself is worth documenting.
- The Husband and I have been discussing travel options and we are excitedly planning and jotting down ideas for a trip around Australia in 2022.
- Today is the first day of the year in which I feel the need for slippers to be worn. The sun is shining but all the humidity has given way to crisp, cold, fresh air.